Count not the candles…see the lights they give. Count not the years, but the life you live. Wishing you a wonderful time ahead. Happy birthday.

Here’s to another year of friendship, laughter, and getting up to no good together! Happy Birthday!

For this next year, I wish for all your wildest dreams to come true. After all, you yourself are a gift to earth, so you deserve the best. Happy birthday.

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1017

If our friendship had been a legal contract, it would be just five words – I’ll Be There For You. Happy birthday.

You’re such a generous, kind, fabulous person, and I’m so lucky to have you as a friend. Wishing you an extra special birthday and best wishes for the year ahead.

Friend, it’s been nothing short of amazing to see what you’ve accomplished in the past year. Can’t wait to see what wondrous things the next year holds for you. Happy birthday.

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1018

Another adventure-filled year awaits you. Welcome it by celebrating your birthday with pomp and splendor. Wishing you a very happy and fun-filled birthday !

Happy birthday to that one person who knows how annoying I am but still chooses to stay by my side. I love you, and I am so blessed to have a friend like you.

Cheers to you for another trip around the sun!

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1025

Happy Birthday. Always remember how much you are loved by the people around you. Enjoy this special day my friend.

To My Fabulous Friend Happy Friend. You inspire and motivate me, and of course, make me laugh. You have been such an encouragement over the years. Thank you for being so wonderful. Wishing you a terrific birthday, my friend.

Your birthday is the first day of another 365-day journey. Be the shining thread in the beautiful tapestry of the world to make this year the best ever. Enjoy the ride.

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1020

A special friend like you deserves all the wonderful blessings not only today, but every day! Happy birthday! May all your wishes come true.

On your birthday friends wish you many things, but I will wish you only two: always and never. Never feel blue and always be happy!

For your special day, I tried to find the right words to show you how I feel about our friendship. I could only think of one: amazing. To me, you’re an amazing friend, more special than anyone I’ve ever known. Happy birthday, friend!

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1015

Stay true to who you are, you are an amazing person, and the best ever friend a person could hope for! Have a fantastic birthday and a great year ahead.

May life’s brightest joys illuminate your path, and may each day’s journey bring you closer to your dreams!

Happy Birthday. You’re the kind of friend who knows how to make every day instantly brighter!

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1014

On your birthday we wish for you that whatever you want most in life it comes to you just the way you imagined it or better. Happy birthday!

May you have more and more blessings than you have ever imagined. May this day be special to your life. Happy birthday!

Thank you for being the brightest person I know. Hope to see you shine for years on!

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1013

Since our childhood, we have been best friends. I am glad to have shared many good experiences and memories with you. You deserve nothing but the best. Have the best birthday ever.”

Happy birthday to my best friend, the one who laughs at my silly jokes and still stands beside me even when I do dumb and stupid things!

Being friends as long as we have, people have started to say we look like alike. I can think of no greater compliment than to be called your sister (or brother), that’s for sure. Happy birthday to my closest friend!

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1011

When it comes to friends, you’ve undoubtedly been one of the best a person could have! You have shown the world how a friend should act like, and that is why you truly deserve the best. Happy Birthday my Friend!

No matter how young you feel, no matter how inexperienced you may be, you deserve all of the great things life has to offer. Happy birthday to my dear friend whose life is soaring high!

Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. Fantasy is a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. But you need a friend that will help you look at life’s realities, and for me, you are that person

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1006

May your coming year surprise you with the happiness of smiles, the feeling of love and so on. I hope you will find plenty of sweet memories to cherish forever. Happy birthday.

Loving, endearing, dependable, jovial, entertaining, and fun, you are a true friend in every possible way. Thank God for you! Have a Happy Birthday.

Loyalty, trust, and a shared sense of humor are just some of the attributes that make a friend a best friend, and you’re so lucky that you have all of that and more in me! Happy birthday to you

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1001

It’s wonderful to have you in my world! Friends like you are as rare as a warm, sunny day in February. You’re truly one of a kind. Happy birthday, my dearest friend!

My best friend, theirs is no doubt in my mind that God sent you to me. As you mark another birthday today, I pray you to remain hale and hearty to enjoy the love of many angels around you as they watch you grow in grace and joy always. Happy birthday, my dear friend.

In case I don’t tell you often enough, I really appreciate your friendship. And I’m so grateful for all you bring to my life!

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1030

I hope your birthday turns out to be as awesome as your high school result. LOL, that was terrible. Happy birthday buddy!

Cheers to the nights that turned into mornings and the friend that turned into family. Happy Birthday!

They say that friends come and go like the seasons of our life change. But through every season, thick and thin, snow, rain, and storm, you’ve been there. This is why you are more than a friend, you are family. Happy birthday to my best friend for life.

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1029

Happy Birthday, My Friend! There’s no such thing as laughing too loud, drinking too much, or dancing too hard. Life is a treat-enjoy it!

Honesty is the best policy as you get older. Be honest with everyone you meet, since it will be harder to remember your white lies when your memory goes. Happy birthday!

Wait, you are how old? Oh jeez, that’s almost dead in doggy years. I’m so glad we met when we were kids. Happy birthday, bestie.

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1028

Happy birthday to you today, my friend! You truly are a best friend like no other. I mean, who else would still want to be my friend after knowing all of my crazy quirks! Perhaps you’re the crazy one after all!

May you live to be so old that the mere sight of you horrifies young children and ex-lovers.

It’s not that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but it’s your best friends who are your diamonds!

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1003

Happy Birthday and congratulations on the extra wrinkle on your face! I’m so proud!

Every day you sparkle but today you rule! Happy Birthday, Pal.

Happy Birthday to my partner in crime. I look forward to the trouble we’re going to get into in the coming year.

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1027

Happy birthday, my friend! Just remember, as a general rule of thumb the more gray hair you have the more wisdom you hold!

Happy birthday to a person that is charming, talented and witty, and reminds me a lot of myself.

There’s one thing that can definitely make you live long and enjoy a long life, and that is aging. So, don’t be afraid to age, it’s the best prescription for long life! Happy birthday to a wonderful friend.

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1023

Happy birthday to my best friend! We are such a great team: I am smart, good-looking and talented and you are great at being my friend!

Happy Birthday, you’re closer to seeing another century pass.

Best friends keep each other’s secrets, which is why I’m not telling anyone how old you’re turning today. Happy Birthday!

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1022

Be alert! Birthdays can leak your real age. So, use fewer candles on your cake and spend more money on us. Happy birthday!

Dear friend, what is the point of celebrating your birthday when you are moving one step closer to death? I wish you a happy birthday!

You were born on this date, so we are going to put fire sticks in baked goods and sing at you while you sit there awkwardly. Wishing you a happy birthday.

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1021

If you were a Wonka bar, you would definitely be wrapped in the golden ticket. Happy Birthday, my fabulous friend.

Jeepers. Creepers. You are getting old! I think you’re almost old enough to be accepted into one of those assisted living facilities. I hear those places always have free coffee. Did you want me to pick you up an application–just think of the people watching what we could do!

The best gift is the gift of friendship. So, that is what I got you for your birthday! Don’t worry… I got you a real present too.

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1032

Hey friend, if I get a chance to choose between you and 100 million dollars I would definitely choose the later one. Why the hell would I choose a broke friend like you? Happy birthday.

Happy birthday, old man!

Gray hairs may be emerging and wrinkles starting to form but try and enjoy your special day all the same!

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1031

I will go ahead and make your day. Happy Birthday, my good friend. I didn’t even log on to Facebook to be told it was your special day. I hope you make it a great one.

It’s your day! But leave it in the capable hands of your best friends. We’ll treat you right!

Best friends are like farts. Some are quiet. Some are loud. They embarrass you in public. They make you feel good. And they make you laugh.

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1008

You are smiling because it’s your birthday! We are smiling because you are getting older and fatter. Happy birthday dear friend!

Happiest birthday to the most grasping friend of mine. May God gives all your money to me so that I can throw myself a party at least.

I won’t lie a bit — I am at your birthday party just to stuff my stomach with scrumptious dishes. Happy birthday!

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1007

Friend, is your old age getting to you now? Well if it will make you feel any better just know that it won’t last that long. You can’t be old forever! Get out and enjoy your day. Happy Birthday!

Soooo I forgot, which one of us is supposed to be the bad influence? Doesn’t matter. It’s your birthday. We can both be!

Congratulations on this one more year of survival through your math class. You got this!

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1002

Don’t stress about your eyesight failing as you get older. It’s nature’s way of protecting you from shock as you walk past the mirror.

Remember when we stayed up late running from the law? No? Good. I don’t either. Happy Birthday, oldie!

I hope you celebrate your birthday the way you came into this world, naked and screaming!

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1004

I regret to inform you that your childhood has EXPIRED. Happy Birthday, Buddy.

Enjoy your birthday this year to the fullest because who knows, after a few years, you might feel ashamed of your true age. Happy Birthday!

Two things that are inevitable for any living person are birthdays and taxes.

Happy BIrthday My Friend 1005

You’re a really hard individual to shop for… so I didn’t get you anything. Happy birthday!

You have officially gotten past the teenage years. It’s time to be mature and stop expecting birthday gifts from people. Happy Birthday!

Seeing as I usually forget everyone’s birthdays, you should consider it a miracle that I’m sending you this message.